Top Five Blog

Feb 15, 2002

Bethany's Top Five things working on counteracting the disturbance of Ba and Ka toward Improvement of my Psyche:
5. Just hanging out with friends.
4. Will be fun this weekend in Cologne.
3. Anticipation of my trip to Russia!
2. My mom comes to visit next Saturday!
1. After next week the semester's over!!!

Bethany's Top Five things disturbing my Ba and Ka:
5. My 2 papers I have to write for next week.
4. The wish that we could live in a society without money.
3. Anne moved out today, so I can only wish for another roommate as good as she was.
2. Practicing. With papers and such, haven't gotten much of that done. And I'm going to Cologne this weekend for an audition.
1. My Passport fiasco. I had to give it up to get a visa for Russia, but my mom's coming to visit in the time that it'll be gone. So I've been calling so many people...blah blah as it turns out I won't get to go to Rome with my mom :(

Feb 7, 2002

In an effort to remain positive in the face of adversity (trans=bodily fatigue), here is a list:

Lauren's Top Five Happy Things for 2002:
5 Sackbuts
4 Prof Crook
3 Buddhism
2 My current gung-ho practicing streak
1 Jerry
