Top Five Blog |
You've most likely seen the movie ''High Fidelity.'' We won't try to convince you that this is solely our idea. We will, however, pay homage to good cinema and good fun by bringing this ''Top Five'' blog to the people in bloggerland.
Aug 11, 2002
I'm back in the world of internet (and civilization!) although no one will probably find out until they've seen me. I want to go home to Madison, but it is a day away!!!!! That geing said.... some top five lists!!
Davis' Top Five Complaints about her Summer Spent at Brevard Music Festival: 5. the food, although I expected that 4. I felt like I was always dirty. Dirt roads, lots of bugs, humidity.... ick! 3. my teacher there wasn't very good. I missed Doug. 2. the other horn kids were'tvery good either. AND for some reason I was always below them in seating!!!! Led to many a life crisis.... 1. playing in too many ensembles, which means that I didn't get much chance to practice, and I am very far behind in my horn to-do list Davis' Top Five Things To Do Upon Return to Madison 5. move into 413 E Johnson St, decorate my new room! 4. practice (see #1, above) 3. go to the terrace, maybe get Lauren to buy me some beer :) 2. eat some GOOD food; food carts! 1. see Alex. I miss that kid like CRAZY!!