Top Five Blog

Oct 7, 2006

Top Five Curiosities as of Late:

5. Is it really, honestly the MO of every service industry to give you 6 HOUR windows of time during which to expect a representative, only to completely miss the time period??? I'm really starting to feel at one with the Seinfled episode in which Kramer deliberately avoids being home while the cable guy (or whoever) is forced to make repeated visits. Welcome to New York.
4. How is one to know when the 7-line runs express if the MTA officials never feel like changing the signage to reflect the operation of the train?
3. I recieved phone call from these people, so I tried to retrun their call. No one at the office ever answers; no answering machine is available. How am I supposed to follow up on this, exactly?
2. I've lived here in this apartment for almost 2 months, and have not seen a single bill. What's up with that? I KNOW they know my address! And I know they want their money!
1. My fellow employees and I have all had our hours cut at the bookstore because the "CEO" THINKS (very big emphasis on "thinks") there will be construction on the store front. Let's do some math, shall we? Complete lack of data or evidence of construction + woman who makes all the unilateral decisions for the store + natural tendency for making decisions on a whim = time to find a new job!
