Top Five Blog

Oct 12, 2006

Top Five Things...that are keeping me on my toes musically right now

5. Brass quintet- coachings scare me a little and my quintet members are very, very good. Unfortunately we need to work on our group attitude toward playing...le stressful.
4. Tbone quartet (now with a name!)- same reason, although coaching don't scare me, I just want to be on top of things. And I want to win win win competitions this year.
3. Prof gave me not one but two (2!) Bitsch etudes to work up this week. Just one of those usually takes me about a month to get right.
2. My friend Mark's octet. It's friggen sweet.
1. Maintaining the standard I've set so far this year. I think I'm playing pretty awesome and now I just have to keep it up. It only goes up from here!

Top Five Things...I want to get in the mail

5. Disc 7 of Evangelion. Holy McFriggen Cow. The last three episodes were so...good.
4. A random letter from someone.
3. Pumpkin raisin bars from my mommy.
2. $150 in checks from students and schools that owe me.
1. My BIG BAD ASS wall map of the world that I get for donating to KERA 90.1 (they carry NPR).
