Top Five Blog

Oct 17, 2006

Top Five Visions that Went Though my Head as the 7 Train Inexplicably Stopped Working Last Night

5. Walking home... for miles and miles
4. Using my super powers to bully an MTA employee in a desperate search for answers
3. Huddling into a ball and weeping on the train, thereby causing authorities to think I was somewhat crazy, then putting me in a cab to take me home
2. Throwing a firebomb into an empty train, and ducking for cover while it explodes, sending train bits scattering all over the tracks
1. A Giant Davis stomping on very small 7-train, a la King Kong

So you can see that I was very, very frustrated when the 7-train stopped running for half an hour last night at 10:30. Stupid 7-train. I want my car back!
