Top Five Blog |
You've most likely seen the movie ''High Fidelity.'' We won't try to convince you that this is solely our idea. We will, however, pay homage to good cinema and good fun by bringing this ''Top Five'' blog to the people in bloggerland.
Aug 11, 2002
I'm back in the world of internet (and civilization!) although no one will probably find out until they've seen me. I want to go home to Madison, but it is a day away!!!!! That geing said.... some top five lists!!
Davis' Top Five Complaints about her Summer Spent at Brevard Music Festival: 5. the food, although I expected that 4. I felt like I was always dirty. Dirt roads, lots of bugs, humidity.... ick! 3. my teacher there wasn't very good. I missed Doug. 2. the other horn kids were'tvery good either. AND for some reason I was always below them in seating!!!! Led to many a life crisis.... 1. playing in too many ensembles, which means that I didn't get much chance to practice, and I am very far behind in my horn to-do list Davis' Top Five Things To Do Upon Return to Madison 5. move into 413 E Johnson St, decorate my new room! 4. practice (see #1, above) 3. go to the terrace, maybe get Lauren to buy me some beer :) 2. eat some GOOD food; food carts! 1. see Alex. I miss that kid like CRAZY!! Jul 16, 2002
i posted, i swear! donde esta?
Jul 11, 2002
Lauren's Top Five Things To Look Forward To (inspired by Bethany) This Summer:
5. Painting practice rooms 4. A vacation with Jerry? 3. Moving in to the glorious 413 E Johnson... 2. Bethany coming home! 1. BIRTHDAY TIME!!! Jul 9, 2002
incase anyone still remembers about/checks this page....
Bethany's Top 5 Exciting Things about this Summer yet to come: 5. Going home (a catch 22, thus No. 5 on the list) 4. Warm weather 3. No more papers 2. Emily's visiting!! 1. Music Camp in Bayern (Bavaria) May 27, 2002
Bethany's 5 Things that happened on this normal Day which are out of the Norm, but Some really aren't all that exciting anyway:
5. Saw Ibai, a spanish guy I know from our orchestra, in the Library. Someone I got to know on our Russia of several that I got to know, but unfortunately, even after the trip, still don't really do anything with. It's a pity, but we're actually getting together this week. 4. Tried to use the ATM machine, and it pooped out on me twice (in 2 different banks), and the account printer wouldn't work either (that you can print out your statement with). Bad aura today?? 3. History class was cancelled. (woohoo!) With vacations, that means that next week will have been 3 weeks since I went to class last. Gotta love the German University system. 2. Realized it's Memorial Day today. Surprisingly enough, no one here wants to commemorate American soldiers that died/fought in wars. Hmm, hehe :) 1. Ate breakfast at a hotel and met Heidi's parents. Had an interesting current events talk. Nice that I finally got to meet them. Sorry about the seemingly uninteresting blog, but I felt like posting, and this is what came to mind, my day to day life, today ;) May 24, 2002
Davis' Top Five Most Intense Experiences That Occured on May 23, 2002:
5. Alex coming over at 3 in the morning. As a result, I didn't really sleep and instead talked to him until it was light outside. He's a nice boy. 4. Talking to my old horn teacher for 4 hours! Learned alot about the way things REALLY are in the real horn world, which sounds pretty scary. But I'll be okay. 3. Just being at my parent's house. Things have really changed, but they still seem the same in many different ways. 2. Visiting an ex-boyfriend from freshman year of college (Steve Clark). Lots of reminiscing... lots of remembering at once why it was that we dated and broke up. 1. Seeing an ex-boyfriend from high school (Tony Price). He has a DAUGHTER now and also a bar in his basement, which was the only thing he felt compelled to say to me. It's weird seeing how life has effected the people I knew really well in high school. May 6, 2002
Lauren's Top Five Activities to Do Outside on a Spring Day:
5. Play Basketball 4. Cook out 3. Fall asleep under a shady tree 2. Bike rides! 1. FRISBEE!!! May 3, 2002
Davis' Top Five Things Interfering with her Complete and Total Happiness:
5. being sleepy, which is something that I haven't gotten over in what seems like weeks! 4. Alex. I don't know what's up with that kid. Lots of questions-- Are we growing apart? Does he not enjoy spending time with me anymore? (Also included in this is the distance I feel from my friends. I think I concentrate too much on being with Alex and not enough on the other wonderful people in my life). 3. the weather-- it is may, why can't it be sunshiney and warm and SPRING??? 2. brass juries 1. schoolwork/finals week. I can't believe it's almost here (mostly because of reason #3) May 1, 2002
Bethany's Top 5 Fav. Things to do on a Rainy Day (like today):
5. Clean room/Tasks around place/Cook. 4. Practice. 3. Read. 2. Listen to Music and drink tea. 1. Watch a movie/hang with friends. Apr 27, 2002
Apr 24, 2002
Bethany's Top 5 Things she would like to start on fire (inspired by Jerry's posting) but won't:
5. My Horn. Not because I don't like it (playing is actually going well now), but because it would be cool to see. Simply curiousity 4. My Hair. I know it would burn quickly and wouldn't be too comfy, but it would be cool to have a picture of that. 3. My Bed. I think it would burn pretty well. 2. My Computer. Might not burn too well, but the sparks would be way cool. 1. A Strawberry. Not sure about the logistics of that, but I wonder if it would smell or turn colors, and what the after result would be. Apr 16, 2002
Lauren's Top Five Things She is Feeling Suprised About Right Now:
5. Not being as stressed about renaissance paper as previously imagined 4. that is it feeling like summertime already and there was barely a spring (but still lovin' it) 3. licorice (i dunno, i can't think of anything else to put here) 2. feeling good about being boyfriendless for the's nice to be independent sometimes 1. the enjoyment I am actually getting from writing about Tomas Luis de Victoria and the historical significance's influence on the compositional structure of two of his parody masses. yep. amazing. woohoo. Mar 26, 2002
Bethany's Top 5 Favorite things to do over semester break:
5. Work on webpage 4. Practice 3. Do stuff downtown (like eating lunch at the Mensa) with friends 2. Relax 1. Take day trips/Hang out with friends
Bethany's Top 5 Favorite Smells:
5. Baked Goods 4. Cologne 3. Vanilla or Cinnamon 2. Woodsmoke 1. Fresh warm spring air Mar 19, 2002
Does anyone even remember that this exists?
Davis' Top Five Things that She is Worried About: 5. The stress of traveling, especially with immediate family members of boyfriend. 4. Packing that goddamn sleeping back in my suitcase, which is roughly the same size as said sleeping bag. In other words, not having enough space for clothing for 10 days. 3. Finding time and space to practice in Europe. I know it seems like a silly way to spend a vacation, but it is necessary 2. Coming back from Europe angry at Alex, and not being able to play my horn 1. The insane lack of money that is holding me back right now. Not sure what to do about it. Why are all of my worries related to this trip? Shouldn't I be excited??? Maybe once I get through the next couple of days, I will realize that it will be infinitely more fun than it is stressful right now. Also, I need to keep in mind that traveling is always stressful, even when you're not doing any planning or paying for anything (i.e. when I traveled with my family back in the day) Feb 15, 2002
Bethany's Top Five things working on counteracting the disturbance of Ba and Ka toward Improvement of my Psyche:
5. Just hanging out with friends. 4. Will be fun this weekend in Cologne. 3. Anticipation of my trip to Russia! 2. My mom comes to visit next Saturday! 1. After next week the semester's over!!!
Bethany's Top Five things disturbing my Ba and Ka:
5. My 2 papers I have to write for next week. 4. The wish that we could live in a society without money. 3. Anne moved out today, so I can only wish for another roommate as good as she was. 2. Practicing. With papers and such, haven't gotten much of that done. And I'm going to Cologne this weekend for an audition. 1. My Passport fiasco. I had to give it up to get a visa for Russia, but my mom's coming to visit in the time that it'll be gone. So I've been calling so many people...blah blah as it turns out I won't get to go to Rome with my mom :( Feb 7, 2002
In an effort to remain positive in the face of adversity (trans=bodily fatigue), here is a list:
Lauren's Top Five Happy Things for 2002: 5 Sackbuts 4 Prof Crook 3 Buddhism 2 My current gung-ho practicing streak 1 Jerry Jan 16, 2002
p.s. Ben, don't feel so badly about your hair!!! You look cute :) (I know, it's difficult to NOT have symbolism behind everything, but it is also important to be able to not let things bother you so much)
Davis' Top Five Favorite Things to Do When She is Bored:
5. Sleep 4. Read 3. Hang out with friends and just talk... 2. Practice 1. Sex Jan 11, 2002
Bethany's Top 5 List of things of Personal Interest at this very moment:
5. Madison Memories 4. Sleep 3. Bayerisches Musikfestival 2. Cara's visiting me now! 1. Chocolate mousse